The residence is located on the outskirts of Kanpur and is designed to accommodate the family and their house help. The architectural language of the building is along the lines of purism, consisting of a composition of large planar surfaces and clean lines.
The maximum number of windows have been provided on the north façade while the south façade has very few windows. All rooms are attached to large balconies, which are wider on the north face and narrower on the south face of the building. Maximum blocking has been done on the south and west sides, while keeping the design language in mind.
The staff quarters have been used as a buffer for the south facing bedrooms. A separate staircase and circulation have been provided for the staff quarters. The south side also has a semi open space on the ground floor to be used as a utility and wet area for the kitchen. The layout of the residence follows the principles of Vastu.
The exterior walls of the building have also been used for sun shading. The staircase, although on the south side, is shaded by extending the adjoining wall outward. The larger west wall extends to shade the rooms and adjoining balconies during the day. The walls also extend to form seamless parapets for the balconies.